Trusted, Innovative Pet Owner Trends & Insight
With access to millions of modern, forward thinking pet owners, our analysis packages provide pet businesses with actionable, intelligent data.
Our petbuzz pet owner research product has delivered tens of millions of views and hundreds of pages of media coverage for our clients.
For brands seeking to find out what their customers think about any pet related topics, products or services, or even exploring new market opportunities, our pet owner market research service is unrivalled.
Our research is regularly sought by some of the pet industry’s most notable brands as it reaches 100% of the right audience targeting campaigns to be best possible audience group from the start which results in a more comprehensive campaign.
Our consumer driven PR campaigns have gained coverage across a variety of national and local newspapers, women’s consumer lifestyle magazines and national and local broadcast. Examples of coverage achieved are available upon request.
In addition to gaining valuable insight from our pet owner market research, we can guarantee coverage too.
We provide two types of pet owner market research:
Internal pet market research uncovers data on what pet owners think about a specific set of topics for internal use within your business. This is ideal for product development, new launches, new business opportunities or to find out what pet owners think about existing products or services.
External pet owner market research is designed to generate coverage for your brand on the back of interesting findings about what pet owners think about a particular topic. It is ideal for uncovering changing trends, opinions or behavioural shifts among pet owners.